
Tank Battle - Review

The title of this Windows Phone game says it all; Tank Boxing. Your goal is elementary, destroy the enemy tanks. The battlefield is peppered with obstacles that non only hinder your movement simply also acts as protection from enemy burn.

To see how big or tiny a blast Tank Battle can be, power your way past the break.

Game Layout

The principal card of Tank Battle has options to enter the boxing, resume saved games in progress, access info well-nigh the game/developer and access the game'south options.

Options cover sound and controls. You can control your tank 1 of two ways. You have the Touch/Chase Control option where the tank moves in the direction of where you've tapped the screen. A 2nd tap fires your cannon.

The other option is Arcade Controls that places motility and fire control icons at the lesser of the screen. To the left is the rotation controls and to the right is the accelerator and fire controls.

Here'due south my first (and maybe the but) knock on the game. Tank Battle needs improve controls. The Bear on/Chase selection isn't very responsive and the Arcade icons are awfully small.

I'm not certain what the answer is merely if the Arcade Icons were a niggling larger, peradventure that would do the trick but then you sacrifice more of the playing field. Also, in that location'south no reverse. You can easily get stuck between a rock and a hard space.

Let's go ready to rumble

You begin Tank Battle at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and every bit you defeat your enemies, you accept the opportunity to move up in rank. It's a win/loss blazon state of affairs in that as you progress in rank, your enemies get tougher.

The game screen has a stat bar running across the meridian of the screen. Here y'all'll run across your armor level, power ups in employ and current level of play. Power ups aid temporarily upgrade your armor, cannon and maneuverability. You can collect power ups by running over them.

The battlefield is populated with an assortment of tanks (who volition fire upon one some other) and you simply move nearly blowing them to smithereens. At some indicate in time, enemy tanks will be joined past helicopter gunships.

Overall Impression

Tank Battle's game play was dainty but it was hard to get over the challenging controls. I often wanted to rotate left but the controls are so shut, I rotated right. The fire and motility controls are spaced but their size becomes the challenge.  With the Bear upon/Chase choice, I often found myself stuck behind a boulder unable to turn effectually.  All of which made for an like shooting fish in a barrel target for the enemy tanks.

Sound effects, animation, and overall mission of the game does make Tank Battle an attractive game. As is, Tank Battle is a fun game to pass the time with in brusque bursts but lacks that "I'm hooked" feature to give the game an addictive quality.

There is a free trial available for Tank Battle with the full version running $1.29. You can download either here (opens Zune) at the Market.


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