
Visual Modeling And Design Tools

Microsoft Visio Professional 2000.
  • Capabilities : ....
  • Benefits : ....
  • Limitations : ....

Web site : See .....

Rational Rose.

Capabilities : .... UML modeling is a way to create a dynamic, interactive visual model of an application being developed. The model provides clarity and control over the application and is a time- and money-saving tool for companies racing to deliver extremely reliable products in short timeframes.

System Definition is the process of obtaining a clear understanding of the problem space - such as your business opportunities, user needs, or market environment - and defining an application or system to solve that problem. Incorporating the elements of requirements management, visual modeling, and use-case management, system definition is the first step in constructing viable software solutions.

Rational Test RealTime , with companion product Rational QualityArchitect RealTime uses UML use cases and sequence diagrams to automatically generate test cases. And when tests are completed Rational Test RealTime feeds the results back to the model, so you can visualize the test results.

Benefits : .... Visual modeling for the entire team - improve communications, manage complexity, enable reuse and capture business processes using ONE tool and ONE language.

Powered by Rose - the de-facto visual modeling tool for e-development, with more than one hundred partners delivering integrations and content. For mission critical web-enabled tools, no other solution comes close.

Accelerate through architectural excellence - for .NET, Enterprise Java, or Embedded technology solutions, Rose accelerates implementation with resilient and component-based architectures.

You achieve enormous timesavings, and you enable development and testing teams to work closely together to build your extremely reliable product.

Joint Partnership between Microsoft and Rational

With Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0, developers can rapidly create distributed applications consisting of reusable components. In order to harness this power, developers need to think in terms of business objects and software architectures. Modeling is an essential aspect of making component-based development scaleable for enterprise and Internet applications.

This product family is a true joint effort of Microsoft and Rational. Microsoft brought its expertise in rapid application development tools, and its knowledge of easy-to-learn user interface design. Rational brought its experience in enterprise-scale development tools and its world-leading knowledge of modeling. Together they have produced a family of tools that brings visual modeling directly into the RAD client/server mainstream.

Microsoft Visual Modeler is the entry-level product, designed specifically for the first time modeler. It offers an easy to learn introductory subset of the industry standard Unified Modeling Language (UML) for expressing software design decisions. This allows the individual developer to quickly become productive modeling three-tier architectures with minimum learning time. Wizards provide support for automated Visual Basic code generation and reverse engineering.

Rational Rose for Visual Basic extends Microsoft Visual Modeler with the UML notation that programmers, or teams of programmers need to be successful for the full lifecycle visual component development on enterprise-scale projects.

Three-Tiered Architecture

The dominance of client/server architecture exemplifies this trend towards increasing complexity in development. Along with client/server, a three-tiered architectural approach has become increasing common as a means of dealing with the complexity.

The three-tiered approach calls for a services model comprised of the user interface; the business rules and the data. This approach provides a number of clear advantages over older two-tier architectures, but it also provides a number of challenges

Developers have new options for how to partition applications Reusable business objects must be identified and refined. Decisions need to be made about how objects are assigned to components and how components will be distributed across a network or over the Internet. Applications must continue to meet the changing requirements of business. Teams must be able to cooperate in the building of these applications. Component-based development is changing the nature of application development projects

Design - More Important Than Ever Before

All of these decisions present new opportunities for application development. They come, however, at the cost of increasing complexity. Even small systems can consist of multiple systems of components. Learning how to manage this complexity is the first step in building scaleable systems.

A good design of a software architecture can help developers build this new generation of complex systems. A sound architecture can streamline the development process and insure that an application can be easily changed as requirements change.

Full Software Lifecycle Coverage

Microsoft Visual Modeler and the Rational Rose for Visual Basic share a common code base and as such, offer a totally integrated, fully compatible set of solutions for the Visual Basic programmer. Designs started in MS Visual Modeler can be directly loaded into Rational Rose for Visual Basic with no intermediate steps.

Getting Started

Microsoft Visual Modeler. This is the Learning Edition product. You can start modeling static behaviors for your Visual Basic applications very quickly and easily. Figure 1 depicts this for you graphically. You can create model diagrams using UML, the industry standard modeling language, with explicit support for three-tiered architectures. Visual Modeler allows you to:

  • Identify and design business objects, and then map them to software components;
  • Partition services across a three-tiered service model;
  • Design how components will be distributed across a network;
  • Generate Visual Basic code frameworks directly from your model;
  • Reverse engineering your existing components and applications allows you to create a corresponding visual model;
  • Synchronize your design and code implementation through round-trip engineering.

Microsoft Visual Modeler Capabilities

  • Essential Object Modeling. This diagram represents the structural details of the system. It enables the user to create class diagrams showing the packages, classes, and relationships needed to realize the system requirements. The relationships supported are association, aggregation, dependency, and inheritance.
  • Component Modeling. This capability enables the user to create component diagrams which depict the dependencies among software components, including source code components, binary components, and executable components. A source code component diagram shows the compile dependencies among files. A binary component diagram shows the allocation of classes to a run-time library. An executable component diagram can be used to show interfaces and calling dependencies.
  • Deployment Modeling. This shows the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software processes that live on them.
  • Code Generation. This enables the user to generate Visual Basic code framework based on the classes and relationships defined in a class diagram. The code may be tailored by attaching property sets to modeling elements. Wizards are provided to assist the user in this process.
  • Reverse Engineering of Classes and ActiveX Controls. It can create a model based on existing Visual Basic code. This capability also enables the user to update a model with code-level information. Wizards are provided to assist the user in this process.
  • Three-tiered Architectural Approach. The design surface of a class diagram is divided into three sections which allow the user to manage classes needed to attack a problem using a three-tiered architectural approach. The user can easily see and manipulate classes and relationships representing the user interface, the business rules and the domain.
  • Round Trip Engineering. This allows you to keep the model and your code synchronized. As you update your code, it allows you to ensure these changes are also reflected in the original model.

The Sophisticated User .....

Microsoft Visual Modeler addresses the needs of the beginner, now for the serious professional -

Rational Rose for Visual Basic

Rational Rose for Visual Basic (Professional Edition) The professional modeling tool for business requirements analysis and design of Visual Basic objects for projects of any size. Rational Rose for Visual Basic extends Visual Modeler for dynamic behaviors, such as business requirements analysis, business scenario analysis with collaboration diagrams, and detailed component design. It includes the Unified Modeling Language, as well as Booch and OMT support. (More information about modeling with UML is available at

Additional team support facilities, as well as an open extensibility interface with the capacities for additional language support such as DDL generation for SQLServer are also provided.

  • Use Case Modeling. A use case is a sequence of actions that a system performs which yields an observable result of value to a particular actor. This capability enables the user to create a use case diagrams which contains actors, use cases and their relationships. A use case diagram is used to graphically show the system boundary along with the major capabilities provided by the system.
  • Scenario Modeling. The user can graphically capture the sequence of transactions involved in a scenario. A scenario is an instance of a use case. Scenarios may be captured in a Sequence Diagram and/or a Collaboration Diagram. A Sequence Diagram shows object interactions arranged in a time sequence. A Collaboration Diagram shows object interactions organized around the objects in the scenario and their links to one another.
  • State Modeling. State transition diagrams for classes can be created by the user, exhibiting significant dynamic behavior. The state transition diagram shows the sequences of states that an object goes through during its life in response to received stimuli, together with its responses and actions.
  • DDL Code Generation. This capability enables the user to generate data definition language (DDL) for all classes marked persistent. The databases supported are Oracle 7, Sybase, SQL Server, Watcom SQL, and ANSI SQL. The output of this process can be used to create the logical or conceptual model in leading data modeling tools, such as LogicWorks ERWin and Powersoft's S-Designer.
  • Scripting. We include a VBA-compatible scripting language which has been extended to provide access to the Rose domain. With scripting, the user can generate custom reports, update and/or delete modeling elements and/or diagrams, and integrate Rose with third party tools.
  • Team Development. This capability allows the user to manage a development project where many people are working on a single model. The tool allows the user to specify control units which may be placed under configuration control. Rose may be tailored to work with many commercial configuration management systems.

The capabilities of the Microsoft Visual Modeler and the Rational Rose/Visual Basic tools are summarized in Figure 2 .

Limitations : ....

Web site : See .


Visual UML is an affordable and easy to use yet powerful and full-featured state-of-the-art object-modeling tool that provides complete and comprehensive support for all ten of the diagram types defined in the OMG 1.3 UML (Unified Modeling Language) specifications: Class, Object, Package, Use Case, Collaboration, Component, Deployment, Activity, State and Sequence diagrams. Visual UML can be used for modeling many types of systems, including information systems. Plus, as a result of Visual UML's comprehensive support for Activity, Collaborations, State and Sequence diagrams, the product is suitable for modeling real-time systems.

Visual UML features an integrated model/data dictionary; a consistent, modern, full-featured intuitive user interface; a multiple document interface (MDI); extensive control of chart objects' positioning and appearance; a comprehensive use case editor; import/export/merge model fragments and diagrams; export diagrams to Windows Metafiles (EMF and WMF), BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG and PCX image files; export diagrams to Windows Clipboard, group editing; cut/copy/paste objects; publish models and/or diagrams to HTML; XML interface with DTD; link model and diagram objects to multiple other combinations of diagrams, documents, files and URLs; project/model/diagram explorer; print/export preview; integrated internet connectivity; automated download of product updates; VBScript/JScript 5.1 scripting engines; fully documented automation interface and exposed object model; and much more!

The Visual UML Plus Edition hosts Microsoft Visual Basic for Applicationss (VBA) 6.2. It is available with interfaces to Visual Basic and/or Visual FoxPro. It allows users to create VBA projects and write scripts (aka Macros) to control and extend Visual UML through its fully documented OLE Automation/ActiveX interface and exposed object model.

The Plus Edition of Visual UML incorporates Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 6.2. This allows users to create VBA projects and write scripts (aka Macros) to control and extend Visual UML through its fully documented OLE Automation/ActiveX interface and exposed object model. Visual UML?s VBA interface supports the following:

  • Create, load, save, and close VBA projects. Open multiple projects.
  • Access Visual UML Application and top level Model objects
  • Access Model Classes, Packages, Actors, Use Cases, Components, Nodes
  • Access Diagrams
  • Access the objects (classes, packages, actors, use cases, components, nodes, states, objects, associations, generalizations, dependencies, messages, transitions, notes, etc.) on Diagrams.
  • Extract information from Visual UML (e.g. reporting, generate documentation or code, export information to other tools).
  • Insert information into Visual UML (e.g. create diagrams, reverse-engineer, import information from other tools).

Web site : See .

GDPro 5.0.

Capabilities : .... GDPro is a visual modeling tool that brings time-saving utility to all phases of the software development process. From code, GDPro can reverse engineer your software system, automatically producing UML models that give you insight into what you currently have, mapping relationships, objects, methods and properties. It allows application developers to create and communicate across the enterprise using simple, comprehensive visual blueprints of Java, C++ and IDL.

Or, GDPro can be used to design a system starting from scratch, then automatically generate code from the new UML-based models. At every point in this process the development team can use GDPro to navigate through the code, and communicate throughout the enterprise, maintaining a coordinated, efficient development process.

Specific capabilities include:

  • Support for UML Design and Development. All UML models, objects, attributes and relationships are supported, including the robustness diagram and Web Application Extension (WAE) stereotypes.
  • Markerless Code Generation. GDPro can generate Java, C++, or Corba IDL from your model without the use of any code markers. By eliminating code markers, GDPro provides the developer with code very similar, if not identical, to what the developer would produce.
  • Inremental Reverse Engineering. A single class, multiple classes, or the entire system can be reverse engineered at any one time. GDPro enables the user to determine this process!
  • Lifecycle Development Integrations. GDPro provides seamless integration across the software development lifecycle, from requirements, through configuration management and testing. GDPro integrates with popular products such as Visual Studio 6, PVCS Suite, DOORS, Caliber and others.
  • SCC Integration. GDPro 5.0 will integrate with any Source Code Configuration Interface. Most of the more recognized CM tools comply with this standard, and GDPro now integrates with them automatically.
  • Inter-Diagram Synchronization. GDPro's repository-based architecture allows multiple users to work on a single model in a "collective" mode. This feature makes sure all changes are pushed to any other areas of the model affected by a change.
  • Customization and Extensibility. GDPro is COM enabled, allowing easy access to the API. This allows for the integration of third-party extensions, many of which are available via our Web site. Scripts may be written for a vast number of triggers, ranging from a mouse click to reverse-engineering progress points.
  • Enhanced Stereotype Support. All three UML extension mechanisms - stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints - are fully supported and easily accessible within your development environment. A library of commonly used extensions, including the popular Web Application Extension (WAE) stereotypes is included.
  • Enterprise JavaBean Support. Users who plan on implementing EJB's will find this new feature particularly useful and efficient. An EJB Wizard will guide you through the conversion of a class symbol to an EJB. GDPro will then create a new "Component View", bring in the Javaex.EJB package necessary for the creation of an EJB, automatically create the Home Interface, Remote Interface, and populate the bean with the appropriate methods and attributes. Code can then be generated and prepared for deployment. Once the EJB has been created, the user can then launch the built-in XML Deployment Descriptor which can be exported and deployed on the chosen application server.
  • Rose Support. GDPro is able to cleanly import existing Rose models, thus saving you time and existing assets.
  • Repository-Based Team Development. Built on an object-oriented database repository, GDPro provides you with managed access and sophisticated, object-level locking to prevent multiple-user conflicts. Geographically distributed groups using GDPro collaborate more effectively.
  • JavaDoc Editor. GDPro includes a built-in JavaDoc editor which can record details about individual symbols or entire systems. JavaDoc comments and standardized or customized tags can be added and documentation pushed to code.

Visual Modeling And Design Tools


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